Saying goodbye

There comes a time when we have to say goodbye to our pet or more accurately, faithful companion. Sometimes this moment comes unexpectedly and sometimes we have been living towards it for a while. But one thing is certain, it is never easy. We make sure your pet is put to sleep in a dignified manner and, of course, you may be present for this. Putting your pet to sleep can be done at our practice. In some cases, it is also possible for the vet to come to your home. Do you have any questions following the above information? Please feel free to contact us.

After the death of your pet, you will be faced with the issue of what to do with his/her body.

You can choose from the following options:

  • Cremation by a crematorium. (At some crematoriums, it is possible to have your pet cremated with his/her rug/toy, at others this is not possible).
  • Burial in an animal cemetery.
  • Your pet can also be collected and incinerated with other animals such as birds, cats, dogs, etc. (rendering).

For all the above options, your pet can be collected from the practice. It is also possible for you to take your pet to the cemetery or crematorium yourself. If your pet died at home, the crematorium offers the option of collecting your pet from your home. You can contact them personally for this purpose.

Animal cemetery and animal crematoria

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