Nouschka van Empelen - van Ee

Clinical Manager

Nouschka van Empelen - van Ee - Clinical Manager
Nouschka van Empelen - van Ee Clinical Manager

Already during my studies, I knew for sure what I wanted later - my own practice! After graduating from the Faculty of Animal Sciences in Utrecht in 2003, I was able to gain experience in several practices. In 2005, Nanette and I got the chance to take over a practice in Amsterdam. And that became Dierenkliniek Buitenveldert. I really enjoy combining veterinary medicine and contact with owners with running the practice. The variety in this profession makes it interesting and challenging. My specific interests are in surgery and internist patients. I am married, have three children, two dogs, chickens and rabbits. Besides the clinic, we have a pet shop and this combination makes it even more fun and challenging.